The Methodist Church - Leeds (North East) Circuit

Preacher Development

Report of the Meeting of the CLPD Group ‘Helping Preachers’

23rd January 2009

Six members of the Group met.

The main object was to discuss the nature and qualities of public prayer, with particular reference to prayers of approach, adoration, confession and thanksgiving. We began by looking at possible issues:

It was agreed that the language used in public prayers had to be right for the congregation concerned, be theologically appropriate (not grating) and not remote. Some members were wary of over-effusive language which they would not normally use in ordinary conversation. It was clear that effective preparation, both in advance and immediately before the service, was necessary for both preacher and congregation. It was also accepted that prayer is a means of communication, and that simply reading out prepared prayers may not be sufficient. Being a model 'pray-er' is not easily achieved.

Prayer, because it is communicating with God on behalf of the congregation, the preacher and those being prayed for, needs to be appropriate for all the different parties, and to be said with integrity. Poetic and heightened language can be appropriate if used with the right rhythm and pace, but this often depends on the personality of the individual preacher. What is appropriate for one person may appear totally artificial if used by another.

We then looked at various samples in the light of the discussion and found that many of the criteria had generally been met. However it was clear that other types of prayer, especially intercessions, have different characteristics, and it was agreed that these would be the subject of the next meeting.

This will take place, subject to the availability of the two absent members, on Friday 20th February 2009 at Jane Craske's Manse, starting at 14:00. Those who have not already submitted prayers of intercession are invited to circulate them in advance of the meeting.


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