The Methodist Church - Leeds (North East) Circuit

Preacher Development

Report of the first Meeting of the CLPD Group ‘Helping Preachers’
23rd October 2008

Five members of the Group met and there were three apologies for absence.

Initial discussion was on how to approach the subject, and the nature of the issues we want to look at. George Lovell suggested that the range of discussion could cover:
1. What people do well - and how can it be done better?
2. Areas in which people feel they need to do better.
3. Things which people feel they cannot do, or lack the courage to do.
This raised the question as to how we are perceived by others, and the need for us to make realistic assessments of our own abilities. Also the need for us to look outside our ‘comfort zone’.

We next suggested areas where members felt they needed to improve on.

Five main themes emerged (a sixth was added later) and it was decided that these would form the topics for our future meetings, with one meeting to look at each issue. It was accepted that some might lead to the need for further discussion. The issues were:

1. Sermon composition - to include the questions of illustrations, density, core content, need for variety of style and presentation, suitability for different congregations.
2. Opening Prayers - approach, adoration, confession, thanksgiving.
3. Problems of extempore worship, including prayer.
4. Practical preaching issues, including need for eye contact, interaction between preacher and congregation.
5. Worship beyond words.
(6. Realistic assessment of strengths and weaknesses.)

We then looked at possible ways of handling meetings to deal with the issues raised and five possible methods arose:
1. General discussion - but the danger was its becoming diffuse and unstructured. Does this matter ?
2. Discussion of particular incidents or problems - the challenges raised by specific cases.
3. Role play
4. Demonstration
5. Input from someone with specific skills or knowledge.

It was agreed that two preachers would each circulate one of their sermons before the next meeting, to form the basis of discussion on sermon preparation, problems of presentation, suitability for the congregation involved and any related issues.

Following contact with those absent, it was agreed that the next meeting be held on Thursday 20th November, at Jane Craske’s Manse, starting at 19:30.



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