The Methodist Church - Leeds (North East) Circuit

Preacher Development

Local Preachers’ Group on Hymns and Worship Songs

Notes of meeting held 16th October 2008

Setting the scene

Six local preachers met; three sent apologies.

To start our thinking about criteria for selection of hymns for worship, we had been asked to bring suggestions of (a) a hymn/worship song which we thought would merit inclusion in the new Methodist hymn book currently being compiled and (b) a hymn or song which we would not like to see included.

This provoked lively discussion, and quite broad, though not total, agreement amongst this self-selecting group. Without going into detail here about the individual choices, certain talking points and themes emerged. These included the following (not in any particular order).

Some emerging themes

Where next?

We felt that there was need to go on thinking about this. Various possible ways ahead were mentioned, e.g. looking in depth at the hymns of a particular author; exploring the criteria we each use in choosing what to have in a service; thinking about the various congregations’ needs in the circuit.

We agreed that for our next meeting we would each bring an order of service for a service we have conducted in the circuit, to talk about what hymns/songs we had chosen with that congregation in mind. That might in turn begin to identify some of the criteria we use, and whether these are shared.

At a future meeting we would also take the opportunity to consider the list of proposed items in the new hymn book which is shortly expected to be issued for consultation.

We meet next at John Summerwill’s on Monday 17th November at 7.30 pm.

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